Hey Y'all!

 The first post to celebrate just how often I get writer's block!  Yay!  ๐Ÿ˜

So since I get writers block, I normally write my kotlc fan fictions.  Kotlc has helped me a lot in my writing because, well, you know how you read a book and get ideas of what might happen next?  Well, I had MULTIPLE ideas and stuff, so I started writing books on my ideas.  And BOOM!  I had about ten different fan fictions.  ๐Ÿ˜

Too many.  

So, now since I've started writing my own books, I haven't had much time to write these, and only do it when I have writer's block, which actually happens a lot of times now that I think about it. . . ๐Ÿค”

Anyways, I hope y'all enjoy my fan fics!   Most of the plots and characters are NOT mine, all credit is due to the authors!  

(I have fan fictions of multiple books, but I probably won't upload much other than KotLC since those are the only ones I have downloaded on google docs). 

Be safe and God bless you all!  

- C. H


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