
Showing posts from November, 2023

November Updates

 Hey peeps :)   Ya'll are gonna be so happy. . . there are TWO new chapters of Power Tribes, a Star Wars Story! (Book 1, Part 1)   But there is something else.  Since I had trouble uploading Astatine & Undecided, I decided to put it up on a website called Wattpad.   C. H (@AvidWriter4Life) - Wattpad   I don't want  to do this, but I might just put everything on Wattpad and may or may not keep stuff on the blog, I don't know yet.  I feel like for updating purposes it would be easier to do that, but still. . . I'm not entirely sure yet, but for right now as long as it doesn't give me any trouble updating any stories, they're going to stay on here.   Though I am having trouble with Untamed, so I think I'll leave what I have and just put everything else on Wattpad. . . *sigh*   Anyways that's all, so until next update, be safe and have a great day/night!   -C. H