

 Hey.....  Sorry it's been so long, I uh, I've been busy with Runaways and nannying and stuff.  Um, I might (really don't want to) delete this blog, just because I don't update it anymore and I don't think I'm ever going to put any other fan fictions on it.   It's not a decision set in stone, but I have been thinking about it for a while.   Anyways, hope y'all are having a great day, if not, then I hope it gets better, and be safe!   - Claire <3 

November Updates

 Hey peeps :)   Ya'll are gonna be so happy. . . there are TWO new chapters of Power Tribes, a Star Wars Story! (Book 1, Part 1)   But there is something else.  Since I had trouble uploading Astatine & Undecided, I decided to put it up on a website called Wattpad.   C. H (@AvidWriter4Life) - Wattpad   I don't want  to do this, but I might just put everything on Wattpad and may or may not keep stuff on the blog, I don't know yet.  I feel like for updating purposes it would be easier to do that, but still. . . I'm not entirely sure yet, but for right now as long as it doesn't give me any trouble updating any stories, they're going to stay on here.   Though I am having trouble with Untamed, so I think I'll leave what I have and just put everything else on Wattpad. . . *sigh*   Anyways that's all, so until next update, be safe and have a great day/night!   -C. H 

October Updates. . .

 Hey peepsicles :)  So, I have a lot of stuff I want to cover in this update.  First off, I took down the KOTLC Generation Fanfictions.  I need to revise those, change some names, add some stuff and take some stuff out.  It'll also be easier for me to update the blogs better and focus on Runaways #2 at the same time along with school.    Second, I'm doing  "construction"  on Untamed and Astatine & Undecided.  I'm going to post the chapters I have but depending on what I decide on, I won't update them next month, idk.  I'm adding another part and stuff before and its a bit confusing, I'm honestly not sure what I'm doing at this point of time.  But regardless of what I end up with, I will be writing and updating those, they will not be taken down any time in the near future.    As for Power Tribes:  I have absolutely no idea where I'm heading with that.  I definitely want to continue it and I'm probably going to have to delete the current

Untamed - A KOTLC Fan Fiction

  Untamed Noreh Foster & Grace Smoke (Discontinued, sorry) Part One Keeper of the Lost Cities  (Book 1) One Noreh picked at her gloves—a nervous and bored habit—while her teacher, Mr. Sweeny, went on about his lecture on dinosaurs.  He’d taken their whole class on a field trip to the museum, not realizing that no one cared unless the giant dinosaur sculptures came to life and started eating people.   “Miss Foster,”  Mr. Sweeny said, grabbing one of Sophie’s headphones.  “Do you think that you are too smart to be listening to my lecture?”   “No, Mr. Sweeny,”  Sophie mumbled, opening her eyes.   “How about you give this lecture, if you think you know it.”   Sophie recited everything about the albertosaurus from glancing at the sign at the beginning—Noreh knew because she’d also glanced at it, and like her sister, had a photographic memory.   Mr. Sweeny sighed, grumbling something like  “know it all”  as he walked to the next room.   “Great job, super freak,”  a kid wearin